You Are

At BluOrchid Aesthetics, we offer a chosen list of procedures that would leave you with the most healthy and glowing version of yourself now and for the future.

Top Services

  • Facials help renew skin cells by circulating the blood flow under the skin, which can decrease puffiness and fluid buildup from our lymphatic system. Our skincare specialist has created customized treatments, including anti-aging and acne facials.

  • is a dermatological procedure that gently removes the top layer of skin. It is used to even out skin tones, fade acne scars, and brighten a dull complexion.

  • This is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that’s used to treat skin concerns via collagen production. Also known as collagen induction therapy, this treatment may help those looking to reduce the appearance of acne scars and stretch marks.

  • Professional teeth whitening uses proprietary ingredients to lift deep set-in stains and discoloration from your teeth. Unlike at-home kits you may have tried in the past; professional whitening is monitored by your Aesthetician in the clinical environment. This ensures optimal results as well as reduced sensitivity. You can expect your results from whitening to last months to years with proper care and maintenance.

  • Reiki is a type of alternative medicine in which therapy is carried out by touching the palms of the hands to certain areas of the human body. The word “Reiki” itself translates as “soul energy.”

    Reiki energy healing technique promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch.

 What can we do for you?

It all begins with a 360-degree approach where we help you prevent future problems, maintain youthfulness , and correct natural aging.

Skin Care


Preventative & Maintenance Services



Preventative and Corrective Services

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